Saturday, November 25, 2006

I've Been Blogged! ...and It Feels Gooood

In a post entitled "Bring Lawrence Back", Wassim Melhem recently blogged about my involvement with EclipseCon 2006 and referred to me as an "Eclipsezilla ninja". While this wasn't the first time I've been mentioned in a blog or even the first time I've been referred to as a ninja (Chris Aniszczyk once referred to me as the "WTP ninja" - unfortunately I can no longer find this post) as far as I know it is the first time that I've been the primary subject of a blog post.

As I read the blog entry about yours truly I had a rush of excited egotistic feelings over finally being blogged about by no less than the great and powerful Eclipse PDE lead. But then this post got me thinking about the value of acknowledging the contributions of others in blogs.

As I see it, there are two key benefits of acknowledging someone else's work in your blog. First, I think public acknowledgment of a good job is a good thing. It can go a long way in terms of showcasing an example of the type of effort that makes a difference to our industry (and society in general) that you'd like to see from others. In my case, Wassim highlighted the way in which I responded to submissions in the hope that my example would encourage others to respond to submissions for EclipseCon 2007. Second, your blog is one of your personal outlets to the world. Acknowledging someone in your blog is a very public way of saying thanks and giving them a pat on the back, something I think most people do appreciate. I did.


Wassim Melhem said...

You misspell my last name, yet you have no problem with Chris' 27-consonant-in-a-row last name ;)

Lawrence Mandel said...

Sorry Wassim. Corrected.

That's what I get for thinking that I could spell your name without the assistance of copy-and-paste. Of course for Chris' name I had to copy-and-paste. (insert your favorite smiley face here)

Consider me red in the face.